常 (rev. 1.45)

Creditors have much better memories than debtors.
ClipMetaAMSLaTeX/Sectioning?독후감&value=MacOSXġϱ › W32TeX&value=Yhchoe/FrontPageTeXShop&value=MiKTeX/ › 常

1.1 Author-Year vs. Numerical
2 ׸(Bibitem)
2.1 ü ''
2.2 () ''
3 thebibliography ȯ
3.1 Bib
3.1.1 IEEEtran bib
3.1.2 unsrt.bst
3.2 Bib Ʈ
3.3 Bib Ʈ ִ Ʈ(Data Base)
3.4 Bib ÷ ʴ
4 ο
5 ϰ õ Ű
5.2 /(/)
5.3 ֿ ǥ
5.4 ο ʾ 忡 Ÿ
5.5 ؼ


LaTeX ڶ  ϳ data base() bib · ϰǰ , "" ӿ ɾ(: \cite {}, \citeyear{}) οϰ, ο ŸϿ 缭 ""( ̳ å ڿ ) Ʈ ִ ̴. 󿡴 (ǻ, ȸ, , ü ) ߰(å, ȸ, , νõ ) ϰ ִ. κ ׵ ߰ Ÿ ΰ ڵ鿡 Ÿ 䱸Ѵ.
LaTeX BibTeX Բ Data Base(bib ) ΰ پ Ÿϰ ο ŸϿ µ ϴ BibTeX(bib -> bbl) LaTeX(thebibliography ȯ ã ̸ ٽ οϴ ) ñ⵵ Ͽ.
Frank Mittelbach Michel Goossens  The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed, 2004, Addison-Wesley 
13 Bibliogrphy Generation(pp. 757-812)
BibTeX ݿ ڼ ִ.

(dvi, ps, pdf ) ϴ İ ̸ п οϴ The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed.(684-686) (System)
  1. ª(Short-Title): ӿ [1] , ª , (: Hart, Hart's Rule, p. 52 ) οѴ. ׸ ؼ ο Ibid. . ª 밳 ó ο뿡 "full reference" ڿ " "(List) ʴ´ٰ Ͽ. 'jurabib' Ű ִ.
  2. (Author-Date): ӿ () Ǵ (, ) οϰ, (List) ȣ ȣ ʰ "ڸ. ()." " ׸"(Bibitem) Ѵ. apa(̱ ɸȸ), apacite, newapa, apalike, chicago, harvard bst ִ. ι ȸ о߿ "-(Author-Year)" ȣѴ.
  3. (Author-Number): ӿ " (ȣ)" Ǵ " [ȣ]" οϰ, (List) Ǵ -׷( ) ȣ οѴ. (List) Ǵ -׷( ) ʰ ȣ οѴ. Ű ʿ ʰ "ȣ(Number-Only)" bst ȴ.
  4. ȣ(Number-Only): ӿ [1], [2], ... Ǵ [KM], [Knuth66] οϰ, (List) ȣ(1. 2. ... Ǵ [1] [2] ...) ȣ([KM] [Knuth66]) δ. plain, alpha, unsrt, abbrv, amsplain, amsalpha  ִ. ̰ о߿ ǰ "ȣ(Number-Only)" İ "-ȣ(Author-Number)" ȥѴ.

<!> CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/natbib natbib.dtx ٿεϿ ϸ natbib.dvi ̰ Patrick W. Daly
 "Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author_Year and Numerical Schemes)"
̴. ۿ "-¥(Author-Date)" -(Author-Year) ̶ ϰ, "-ȣ"(Author-Number) İ "ȣ(Number-Only)" ļ ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) ̶ Ͽ. ⼭ Daly з .





2.1 ü ""

Q1: ?

A1: Bibliography Item( Bibitem)̶ Ҹ ׸ Ǿ ֽϴ. ׸ ũ ֽϴ. , BibTeX BibTeX ʴ ֽϴ. BibTeX ׸ ׸("Ʈ") (article, book ) bib Ͽ Էմϴ. "Ʈ" bbl thebibliography ȯ Bibitem  ǥ ̹ bst Ͽ Ǿ ֽϴ. BibTeX thebibliography ȯ ( TeX \input Ǵ \include ҷ ˴ϴ.) ̰ ȯ ȿ Bibitem ŸϿ ° ԷϿ մϴ.

<!> : Ȥ ϴ ȯ濡 ٸ ̸ 찡 ֽϴ. mcite.sty(see KTUGOperate:13046) mcbibliography ȯ , kjas.sty(see KTUGSetup:6415) jkss03.sty(see KTUGOperate:11766) references ȯ ϰ ϴ. ׷ references ȯ Ű 浹 ŰǷ thebibliography ȯ ϴ.

Q2:(From KTUGOperate:4434). natbib \citep Ÿϴ author-year Ÿ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. Ϲ default (ڿ ) ŸѴٰ ִ. () author-year . ν "(Tsang, 1998)" ó ϴ ο ׳ (17) ̴±. default ߿ ϳ ȴٴ .

A2:. ϸ ߿ BibTeX Ǹ鼭 bbl µ ó "ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) " bst Ἥ BibTeX ϸ bbl thebibliography ȯ "ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) " °(Compatible) ϴ. ̷ bbl "ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) " bst Ἥ ٽ Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ ̻ "-(Author-Year) " ٲ ʽϴ. ׷ "(Tsang, 1998)" Ǵ "Tsang (1988)" ο ʰ "(17)" ο˴ϴ. bst ٲ bib ϰ TeX ҽ ϸ μ մϴ. WinEdt ̸ Ͽ ߰ (Tool Box)  (ǥ ٷ ) ֽϴ. --See KTUGOperate:7157

Q3:(From KTUGOperate:16464). report Ŭ ۾մϴ. ۼϴµ ְ ͽϴ: δ ֱⰡ ؼ ο Section ߰Ϸ մϴ. ̶
" 6" ְ  ?

A3:. (From KTUGOperate:16476) \section{} Է ʰ \section*{} Էϸ " 6" ϴ. " "̶ thebibliography ȯ ϴ ΰ? thebibliography ȯ ӿ Bibitem ۾ ĥ ֽϴ. thebibliography ȯ ᱹ (LaTeX Ǵ PDFLaTeX) ܰ迡 \section*{\bibname} νĵ˴ϴ. ¿ \section*{} Է ʿ ϴ. ں
\renewcommand{\bibname}{}%ּ óϸ References 
۾ ""̶ ɴϴ. ""̶ Ϸ TeX Ͽ \begin{thebibliography}
Էϸ ˴ϴ.


2.2 () ""

Ʒ ׸ "5.2 () " .


3 thebibliography ȯ

׸(Bibitem): LaTeX BibTeX Ἥ (dvi, pdf ) Bibitem(Bibliography Item)̶ µ ִ.
  1. ϳ 忡 ŵ ϳϳ ׸( ׳ item̶ Ѵ.) Ѵ. Ư ġ ʴ Cite Key(ο Ű) ʴ´.
  2. ϳ thebibliography ȯ ӿ ִ ׸ Ѵ. οϷ Cite Key ϰ ־ Ѵ.
  3. ϳ bib ӿ ִ ׸ Ѵ. Cite Key ϰ ־ Ѵ. (̰ ٸ " ׸" ϱ Ͽ "Ʈ"(Entry) .)
ο ϰ Ǵ ̶ Key Ѵ. Key thebibliography ȯ Bibitem bib Ʈ(Entry) ϸ ̸ Citation Key( Cite Key) Ǵ οŰ Ѵ. Ʒ kn:gnus οŰ̴.

: TeX
thebibliography ȯ ӿ
ϴ Bibitem ְų, bib ӿ
ϴ Ʈ ־ Ѵ. LaTeX ó ϸ TeX Cite Key ã aux Ͽ Ѵ. BibTeX BibTeX aux Ͽ ִ Cite Key а thebibliography ȯ ӿ Cite Key ġϴ Bibitem ã´. bib Ʈ Data ã bbl thebibliography ȯ ӿ ش Bibitem ش. õ Key ִ.

  1. ϳ ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) Ŀ ȣ ȣ (: alpha)ε thebibliography ȯ ӿ
    ϴ Bibitem 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ѵ. (  ʾҴ "ȣ Ӹ Ű"(Numerical Head Key) ϸ ?) ο뿡 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ÿ, Bibitem(׸) Ӹ 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ÿ. Ȱ¯ǥ {kn:gnus} kn:gnus Cite Key̴.
  2. ϳ -(Author-Year) (: apalike)ε ο (Knudson, 1996) Ǵ Knudson (1996) ϴ ġ̴. ̰ thebibliography ȯ
    \bibitem[Knudson, 1996]{kn:gnus} 
    (ϴ bst ٸ) 蹭ǥ ѷ "Knudson, 1996" ̴. (⼭ 蹭ǥ ѷ "Knudson, 1996" "- Ű"(Author-Year Key) ϸ ?)

̷ bst ˾Ƽ ذϿ ش. ο̳ "" ſ ŸϿ ° Ÿ cls ϰ sty (: apacite.sty, natbib.sty, chicago,sty, mla.sty ) ذϿ ش. bst cls ϰ sty ֵ bib ӿ ִ data 1 Ͽ thebibliography ȯ ӿ ־ ش. (Ư mla.sty dvi , ٷ pdf Ѵ.)


3.1 Bib

Bib BibTeX Ϸ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ ڴٴ ̴. BibTeX ϱ aux , bib , bst غǾ ־ Ѵ(Ű BibTeX ׸ ). ׸ ҽ (TeX ) ش ġ
\bibliographystyle{latex8}%⼭ latex8 latex8.bst Ÿ. 
\bibliography{latex8}%⼭ latex8 latex8.bib Ÿ.
Էϸ ȴ. aux ҽ ( TeX ) ̸ Ȯڸ aux ù° LaTeX . BibTeX Ǹ ҽ ( TeX ) ̸ Ȯڸ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ .

[ftp]IEEE_CS_Latex.zip Ǯ ֽ (2005-09-20) latex8.bst Բ ҽ latex8.tex, latex8.bib ִ Ű IEEE_CS_Latex .

⿡ ִ. BibTeX Data Base bib bst ٲν پ Ʈ ߷ ̿µ ݴ . CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/bibtex/ IEEEabrv.bib IEEEfull.bib ִµ Ѵ bibitem Ǿ ִ. θ ̸ ̸ ִ. IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf о IEEE ϴ IEEEfull.bib Ÿ bib Ͽ.

[http]Texas A&M BibTex Ǵ [http]Dana Jacobsen BibTeX bib Ǵ ۰ ũ ִ. [http]Ȳ BibTeX Ʒ(hwp) ٿε ִ ũ( : http://dewey.yonsei.ac.kr/metadata/hwp.jpg ) ִ. BibTeX bib Ͽ 鿡 ڼ ִ. Uploads:BSTThruExample.pdf Citation and Bibliography Styles Through Examples̴.

DB(bib ) BibTeX Ͽ bbl ӿ ڵ thebibliography ȯ ϴ ̴. main TeX ϰԵǸ LaTeX->BibTeX->LaTeX->LaTeX Ǵµ ° ׹ ° ܰ(LaTeX) ʿ thebibliography ȯ̴.

Bib Bibitem  ׸(̰ Entry Field Ѵ.) Ʈ (Entry Type: (article), (book), νõ (conference, proceedings Ǵ inproceedings), å Ϻ(Inbook Ǵ incollection), (masterthesis Ǵ phdthesis), (techreport), Ÿ(misc, booklet, manual Ǵ unpublished) ) ణ ٸ. WinEdt ٸ Tool Bar( ) ° (New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N)) New Document ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ BibTeX Document ϸ Doc1.bib . Menu Bar Insert Ŭϸ ޴ǿ BibTeX Items ִµ Ŀ 15 ޴ ִ ޴ ߰ ʿ信 ȴ. Bibitem Է(ԷϽ ѱ, , Ϻ  ֽϴ.)Ͽ ϰ ̸  ȴ.

Bib ٸ TeX Ͽ ҷ ְ ϳ TeX Ͽ bib ִ.

: WinEdt Ű Xbib.bib ã WinEdt â  . Xbib.bib Paper.tex Data BaseԴϴ. Ƹ 40 Bibitem Paper.tex ϴ Bibitem 19Դϴ. Paper.tex ã WinEdt â  Ư κ . ׸ TeXify(ݺڸӸ) Paper.bbl .

BibTeX bbl ϰ ӿ thebibliography ȯ(\begin{thebibliography}{} \end{thebibliography}) aux Ŀ bib Ͽ ִ Data Base ʿ Bibitem ã TeX ٲ thebibliography ȯ濡 ־ ִ մϴ. , bib Ͽ bbl ݴϴ. ׷ thebibliography ȯ浵 (dvi, pdf, ps ) ߾ ϱ ϴ bst ٸϴ. ڼ ̾߱ KTUGOperate:1596 Ͻʽÿ.

Q4: ణ ȥ ˴ϴ. bbl ϼӿ thebibliography ̶? ᱹ bib ϰ bst غ BibTeX ?

A4: ׷ϴ. BibTeX aux ϵ غϿ մϴ. LaTeX Ͽ aux Ÿ Cite Key bib Ʈ(@ ϴ Bibitem) Cite Key(Ʒ A7 @BOOK{RR73, κ ߿ RR73) bst(쿡 󼭴 cls sty) ŸϿ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ ϴ.

Q5: ⼭ Ǵ bbl ε ٽ thebibliography ȯ ӿ īϴ ΰ?

A5: ᱹ ׷ . bbl Ͽ thebibliography ȯ(\begin{thebibliography}{} \end{thebibliography}) Ͽ Ǵ input (Ȯڸ tex ϴ ϴ.) ֱ⸸ ϸ ˴ϴ. thebibliography ȯ Ͽ ִ´ٴ thebibliography ȯ(tex ӿ) ۾ ʰ bib Ͽ Ʈ(@ ϴ Bibitem) ΰ BibTeX Ͽ bbl Ŀ ӿ ִ thebibliography ȯ (Ǵ input ) ű Ŀ ȸ Ǵ ǻ翡 䱸ϴ ŸϿ °(Compatible) ϵǵ ణ Ѵٴ Դϴ. The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed.(689) ֽϴ.
It is also simple matter to manually edit output from BibTeX to cope with special 
cases. Moreover, if your LaTeX document has to be self-contained, you can include 
the contents of the .bbl file in your document.
bbl thebibliography ȯ LaTeX ԽѾ ϴ ֽϴ. bib "Ʈ ʵ" author  ѱ ϴ ʴ 찡 ֽϴ. ̷ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ游 Ͽ TeX κп ִ
 \bibliography{...}%⼭ ... bib  ̸(Ȯ )
ٲ ְ ۾ (manually edit)ϴ մϴ.  쿡 ҽ ̱ Ͽ, " " ȸ Ÿϰ ٸ ̸ ġ Process ̱ Ͽ īϿ TeX Ͽ ̴ ϴ. IEEE ϴ ۼ "Using the Document Class IEEEtran.cls"(

102 ʿ (Ʒ ׸) ֽϴ. Ͻʽÿ.--Yhchoe



3.2 Bib Ʈ

Bib Ʈ author ʵ忡 Last Name ܾ ̻ Ǿ Ȱ¯ ǥ { } Ѵ. title ʵ忡 ߰ 빮ڸ Ǹ Ȱ¯ ǥ { } Ѵ.
 author={L. {de Branges}},
 title={The {Stone}-{Weierstrass} {Theorem}},
 journal={Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},

Q6: WinEdt Ͽ ۼ , bibliography DB Ͽ ε, DVI , Title ׸ ù ڸ 빮ڷ ְ, ۵ ҹڷ Ǿ ִµ, ̸ ذ ִ ˷ ֽø ڽϴ.

A6: ó 빮 տ Ȱ¯ ǥ { ־ ּ. Ȱ¯ ǥ 𿡼 ݾ ־ մϴ.


3.3 Bib Ʈ ִ Ʈ(Data Base)

BibTeX ٷο κ bib Ʈ Դϴ. ̹ DB ֽϴ.

[http]CompuScience Ǵ [http]UKA bib Ʈ ã ֽϴ. [http]CompuScience "Author" "park" ְ "Format:" bibtex Search ߸ ŬϿ . ű⿡ Ÿ Ʈ ׳ Ͽ bib Ͽ ˴ϴ. [http]UKA "Author(s):" ĭ park ְ, "Year: =" '2005' ְ, "Presentation:" Full references ٲٰ "Search" ŬϿ .

[http]ZMATH (KTUGOperate:19357 ) Ǵ [http]MathSciNet (KTUGOperate:3444 ) ̿ϰ б MathDi ̿Ͽ bib ֽϴ. DB ̰ ̿ᰡ û μ Subscribeϱ⿡ Դϴ. Subscribe ʾҴ [http]ZMATH , MathDi ϳ ã ֽϴ.

(./) Ʒ ׸ [http]ZMATH ã Data κԴϴ. θ Ͽ bib Ͽ ˴ϴ. delimiter } ִ ƾ մϴ. ȣ "293-320" "293--320" ٲ ϴ. ״ Cite Key 0595.47031 ˴ϴ.


(./) MathSciNet Ʈ̼[2] Ͽ ȭ 25 ε ְ Ǿϴ. (AMS offer an individual username/password access for $25.00 per year. The individual is required to sign and return an [http]Individual Access Amendment and to pay.)

  • [2] MathSciNet 츮 е(, , װ, ) Ʈ̼ ķ۽ 𼭴 ˻ ϹǷ ƴ ãƼ ˻Ͽ Դϴ.

ڹ [http] SLAC ׸ ã , ִ BibTeX׸ Ŭϸ ˴ϴ.

̱ Education Resources Information Center([http]ERIC) ֽϴ. bib Ʈ Ǿ ݸ պ ˴ϴ.

/ǻͰ [http]CiteSeer ׸ ã bibtex ̳, [http]ACM portal The Guide ̿Ͽ ˻ ̱ bibtex ϸ Ʈ ɴϴ. [http]Computer Science Bibliography ˻Ŀ bibitex ֽϴ.

ѱ TeX Data Base HTeXBookBib ִ Դϴ.

[http]MetaLib õ DB ũ оߺ ξϴ(Ʒ ׸ ).

(!) : DB̴ DB̴ bib · Ʈ ã ⿡ ּҸ ÷ ֽø ٸ п ϴ. ;)--Yhchoe


3.4 Bib ÷ ʴ

Bib ÷ ʰ ҽ(TeX) κп thebibliography ȯ(\begin{thebibliography}{} \end{thebibliography}) ־ ִ Դϴ. ǻ Ǵ ȸ Ÿ 䱸ϱ ű⿡ ߷ Ǹ ϸ ߿ ٲٸ ο ŸϿ 缭 ٽ ԷϿ ϴ 쵵 ϴ. ̴ ó ۾ ã ׸ ʽϴ. 밳 bib BibTeX ϰ bbl thebibliography ȯ ߶ͼ
\bibliographystyle{apacite}%bst  ̸
\bibliography{xbib}%bib  ̸
Է ä ٲ ְ ϴ ϴ.

ȣ/ȣ(Numerical) [http]LATEX Bibliography Environment(BibTeX bbl ) Ǵ KTUGOperate:1536(۾ ) ֽϴ.
-(Author-Year) Ÿ
۾ : (See KTUGOperate:3386)
\bibliographystyle{apacite}%{}  .
\baselineskip 5mm%  . \usepackage{natbib}   ȵ

\bibitem[]{gan98}%[]ӿ G98    Ʈ [G98] Ÿϴ.
 \hskip-5mm  (1998):  7 а    ⺻ .%\hskip-5mm   Key ڸ ä Ͽ
    \underline{ѱбȸ ø E} \underline{  νõ} \textbf{7}, 7-19.

 \hskip-5mm  (1993): \ \underline{аб  III}. \ :

 \hskip-5mm \bysame\,(1998): \ а   ( 
     1997-15ȣ å 8). \ \underline{ѱбȸ}
    \underline{ø E б νõ} \textbf{7}, 485--597.

 \hskip-5mm ڿ (2003): \ \underline{б  }. \ :

 \hskip-5mm 輺 (2004): \ Felix Klein  Hans Freudenthal . \
    \underline{ѱбȸ ø E б} \underline{} \textbf{18(2)},

 \hskip-5mm  $\cdot$ ڽ¾ (1994): \ \underline{ }  2. \
    : û.

 \hskip-5mm ٹ η (1989): \ \underline{ ؿ ع}.
    տ $\cdot$ ͼ ű. \ : İл.

 \hskip-5mm  (1992): \ \underline{ б а  ؼ}
    (   88-7ȣ). \ : .

 \hskip-5mm ѽ (2001): \   ȸ 7  
      --- 7      ǿ
    Ͽ. \ \underline{ѱбȸ ø E б }
    \textbf{11}, 451--468.

 \hskip-5mm ȭ (1996): \ \underline{ȭ Բ  ź ãƼ}. \
    : .

 \hskip-5mm â $\cdot$  $\cdot$ ȯ (1992). \ 5
      1  III (аб)  (,
    ). \ \underline{ѱбȸ} {\bf 31(3)}, 93--101.

 \hskip-5mm ֿ (2001): \  б  III"  
    콺$\cdot$ ҰŹ() ߸ Ұ ùٸ Ұ. \
    \underline{ѱбȸ ø F бм} {\bf 6}, 205--221.

 \hskip-5mm {Mich\`{e}le Artigue, Ghislaine Chartier \& Jean-Luc\
    Dorier (2000)}: \ Representation of Other Research Works. \, In:
    J.-L. Dorier (Ed.), \emph{On the Teaching of Linear Algebra}\,
    (pp.\ 247--264). \ Dordrecht: Kluwer. \quad MATHDI
    {\bf 2001a.}00360

 \hskip-5mm {Y.\ H.\ Choe (2000)}: \ Teaching Contents of Linear
    Algebra to High School Students. \, \emph{Journal of the Korea
    Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in
    Mathematical Education} {\bf 8(2)}, 107--144.


bib Ǵ bib ȯ Ͽ Եȴٰ ( ó Ÿ׷Ƕ ), \hskip-5mm ڵ ϱ ƽϴ. ڷᰡ δٰ ϴ ̷ شٿ ̶ ƴٰ ˴ϴ. ٲ ۲ ũ⳪ ڰ ٲ ε ׷ 쿡 -5mm ũⰡ ϴٰ Ȯ Դϴ. ٸ Ŭ Ű ũⰡ ȿ ֽϴ. ࿡ ̷ ݵ ʿ  ִٸ bibliography ȯ ϴ , ʴ, ſ յ Դϴ. ʺ 纸Ͽ ϴٰ ϴ ʺڵ ϴ FAQ ƴ϶ ϴ. ʺڵ ̷ ڵ带 '̷ ۾ ϳ? 带 ڴ' 𸨴ϴ. ׷Ƿ ڵ ŭ ϴ ٶϴٰ ϴ. ֽñ ٶϴ. --hoze

"۾ "Դϴ. 켱 ۾( ''̶ ϴ.) 󸶳 ƴٴ ̰ ;, ° ̰ ׳ TeX ϴ ̰, ݵ ֽϴ. °, ſ ο ̴ APA(̱ɸȸ) Ÿ 󸶳 ϰ ƴٴ ̱ Դϴ. APA Ÿ ϱ Ͽ apa.bst, apa.cls, apacite.bst, apacite.sty, apacitex.bst, apalike.bst, apalike.sty, apalike2.bst, apalike-fr.bst, apalike-plus.sty, frapalike.bst, frapalike.sty, apasoft.bst, newapa.bst, newapa.sty, theapa.bst, theapa.sty Ÿ ġ ؿ ˷ ֽϴ. ̳ θڷδ Ǵ ̰ ѱ ȣ ° ѱ ȯ ︮ ϴ Ǯ Դϴ. Ʒ ۼ bib APA ŸϿ ϴٰ apacite.bst Ἥ BibTeX bbl Ͽ Ϻθ ߶ Դϴ. Ƹ ۾δ Ұɿ Դϴ. ׸ ̸ ѱ  ƿ ʽϴ. YhChoe

ڽϴ. ۾ Դϴ. ׷ ϸ ȵǴ ְڽϱ? \hskip-5mm \bibitem ڿ پ ִ [] ϴ. ׸ ǵ \ ⸦ ּ ٿϴ. ׾ ܾ ڸ ϰ ϱ ؼ myulem Ű ϴ. myulem ν Ģ \underline ־ ϴ ϳ \huline ƽϴ. ̷ ͵ "ʺڿ ؼ ȵ" ͵  ϴ ̶ ϰ ֽϴ. Բ myulem ŷ Ű ô ˰ ֽϴٸ ϳ μ ֽø ϰڽϴ. --Karnes


Bibliography ׽Ʈ

%%% thebibliography ȯ ̾ƿ 


\bibitem[G98]{gan98} % [G98] ־ ƹ ȭ  ̱  
 ~(1998): 7 а    ⺻ .
    \huline{ѱбȸ ø E   νõ} \textbf{7}, 7-19.

  (1993): \huline{аб  III}. :

 \bysame\,(1998): а   ( 
     1997-15ȣ å 8). \huline{ѱбȸ ø E б νõ} \textbf{7}, 485--597.

  ڿ (2003): \huline{б  }. :

  輺 (2004): Felix Klein  Hans Freudenthal .
    \huline{ѱбȸ ø E б } \textbf{18(2)},

   $\cdot$ ڽ¾ (1994): \huline{ }  2.
    : û.

  ٹ η (1989): \huline{ ؿ ع}.
    տ $\cdot$ ͼ ű. : İл.

   (1992): \huline{ б а  ؼ}
    (   88-7ȣ). : .

  ѽ (2001):   ȸ 7  
      --- 7      ǿ
    Ͽ. \huline{ѱбȸ ø E б }
    \textbf{11}, 451--468.

  ȭ (1996): \huline{ȭ Բ  ź ãƼ}.
    : .

  â $\cdot$  $\cdot$ ȯ (1992). 5
      1  III (аб)  (,
    ). \huline{ѱбȸ} \textbf{31(3)}, 93--101.

  ֿ (2001):  б  III"  
    콺$\cdot$ ҰŹ() ߸ Ұ ùٸ Ұ.
    \huline{ѱбȸ ø F бм} \textbf{6}, 205--221.

  {Mich\`{e}le Artigue, Ghislaine Chartier \& Jean-Luc
    Dorier (2000)}: Representation of Other Research Works. In:
    J.-L. Dorier (Ed.), \emph{On the Teaching of Linear Algebra}
    (pp.247--264). Dordrecht: Kluwer. \quad MATHDI

  {Y\@. H\@. Choe (2000)}: Teaching Contents of Linear
    Algebra to High School Students. \emph{Journal of the Korea
    Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in
    Mathematical Education} \textbf{8(2)}, 107--144.



BibTeX bbl : bib apacite.bst (2004-07-01 ) Ἥ BibTeX bbl Ͽ Ϻθ ߶ Դϴ. ҽ bib ÷մϴ. Uploads:ranibib.bib (See KTUGOperate:252)

Barnsley, M.~F.
\newblock{}\BBOQ{}Fractal modelling of real world images.\BBCQ{}
\newblock{}\BIn{} H.~O. Peitgen \BBA{} D.~Saupe\ (\BEDS), \Bem{The science of
  fractal images.}
\newblock{}New York: Springer-Verlag.

Barnsley \BOthers{.}}{%
Barnsley \BOthers{.}}{%
Barnsley, M.~F., Devaney, R.~L., Mandelbrot, B.~B., Peitgen, H.-O., Saupe,
  D.\BCBL{} \BBA{} Voss, R.~F.
\newblock{}\Bem{The science of fractal images}.
\newblock{}New York: Springer-Verlag. \quad \MR{92a:68145}.

Beardon, A.~F.
\newblock{}\Bem{Iteration of rational functions. complex analytic dynamical
\newblock{}New York: Springer-Verlag. \quad \MR{92j:30026}.

<!> 1: cls ϰ sty Ͽ ϴ. ȸ  䱸ϴ ٸ Preamble ľ մϴ.
  \def\refname{REFERENCES}%\usepackage{apacite} ־ 
  \bibleftmargin=1.5em%   ° 鿩
  \bibindent=-\bibleftmargin%   ù° 
빮ڷ REFERENCES ɴϴ. "" ׷ ɴϴ. \refname References µ Section ü ϴ. apacite Ű ۳(2004) 7 ־ ݳ(2005) 6 ƽϴ. ׷ ҽ (tex, bib ) ٽ ϸ ޽ Ÿ ֽϴ. ̶
ó Ű ɼ BCAY ذ ֽϴ.

<!> 2: ȸ, ǻ  (pdf, dvi ) Բ ҽ ϵ 䱸ϴ 찡 ֽϴ. ̷ 쿡 켱 BibTeX Ἥ bbl thebibliography ȯ , ȯ Ͽ TeX κп ̴ ϴ. ׸ "Bib " A2 Ͻʽÿ.


4 ο

see ο


5 ϰ õ Ű



ົ(å) ϰ ۼϰ
  • multibbl
  • multibib
  • bibtopic

5.2 ()

() η \usepackage{chapterbib} ں ְ Project մϴ. () TeX Ϸ ̸ ɾ \include ԽѾ մϴ.
1. Normal use: Put \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands in
each \include'd file. Run LaTeX; run BibTeX on each included file; run LaTeX; run LaTeX.
() ΰ üε ѷ ں
־ մϴ. () Դϴ. ̶ ں
־ \sectionbib{\section*}{section} ۵մϴ. 庰 Ÿ ϰ, å Ÿ Ϸ ϶ Ͽ׿.
9.  To have a bibliography-by-chapter at the end instead of separate bibs
    in the chapters, use \usepackage[gather]{chapterbib}, put \bibliography
    commands in each file, and at the end of the main file. Run LaTeX as
    in item 1. You can control the titling of the final bibliography by
    defining \StartFinalBibs.  The default definition is (like)

        \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography for Chapter \thechapter}}

    normally, but when using the [sectionbib] option it becomes

        \renewcommand{\bibname}{Chapter \thechapter}}

    You should really provide your own definition.  If you are using the
    article document class and \section, then you MUST do so.

    If your document class has neither section nor chapter, then you must
    define \StartFinalBibs (of course) and also indicate the sectioning:
    if the main sectioning command is \motif, for example.

Q7:(From KTUGOperate:2809). chapter ۷ ͽϴ. (ߺǴ ۷ 帶 ٸ ȣ ϰ ʹٴ Դϴ.) ׷ ׷ chapter ȣ 󰡳׿.

A7-1:BibTeX Ŀ ߾ bib ϰ Main TeX Preamble \usepackage{chapterbib} ֽϴ. ׸ chapter TeX (: chapter1.tex, chapter2.tex, ... )
\bibliographystyle{bstFileName}%{}ӿ bst  ̸ Ȯ 
\bibliography{bibFileName}%{}ӿ bib  ̸ Ȯ 
ֽϴ. ׸ ϵ \include{chapter1} \include{chapter2} ... Main File ҷ ɴϴ. chapterbib.sty \include{ } ־ ݴϴ. (\include{ } ʴ ֽϴ.-> KTUGOperate:2810 ׸ 4 )

׳ \usepackage{chapterbib} Bibliography ȣ chapter(, \chapter*{Bibliography}) ǰ Table of Contents Ÿ ʽϴ. ׷
ȣ section(, \section*{Bibliography}) ǰ Table of Contents Ÿϴ. chapter ʰ, å κ Ƽ chapter (Chapter 1, Chapter 2, ... ) Ÿ⸦ ϸ
˴ϴ. ̶ Ÿ⸦ ϴ
\bibliographystyle{bstFileName}%{}ӿ bst  ̸ Ȯ 
\bibliography{bibFileName}%{}ӿ bib  ̸ Ȯ 
־ մϴ. ( chapter å κ ) Ÿ⸦ ϸ \usepackage[duplicate,sectionbib]{chapterbib} ˴ϴ.

A7-2:(KTUGOperate:9960). ( κ ) ̷ ,
latex main
bibtex chap1
bibtex chap2
bibtex chap3
latex main
latex main
̷ dvi ϴ.[3]



5.3 ֿ ǥ

Q8(From KTUGOperate:17844): reference ڿ bibliography ʰ \cite{} ִ ؿ footnote ϴ ֳ?

A8(From KTUGOperate:17849): jurabib Ű Ͻø ˴ϴ. See also KTUGOperate:19408.
  • \texmf\doc\latex\jurabib\english\jbendoc.dvi
  • LaTeXCompanion 2nd ed. pp.726-731



To define algebraic geometry, we could say that it is the study of
the solutions of systems of polynomial equations in an affine or
projective $n$-space. In other words, it is the study of algebraic


@book {Hartshorne-1977,
    AUTHOR = {Hartshorne, R.},
     TITLE = {Algebraic geometry},
      NOTE = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 52},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
      YEAR = {1977},
     PAGES = {xvi+496},
      ISBN = {0-387-90244-9},
   MRCLASS = {14-01},
  MRNUMBER = {57 \#3116},
MRREVIEWER = {Robert Speiser},


5.4 ο ʾ 忡 Ÿ

Q9:  ο ʾ Ͽ Ÿ 쿡  ϳ?

A9: \nocite{οŰ} ּ. ࿡ bibliographystyle ο ĵȴٸ \nocite{οŰ} ִ ġ Ͽ ġ Դϴ. ׷ ʰ ĺ ĵȴٸ Ƿ 뿡 \nocite{cite_key1,cite_key2}ó Ӵϴ.

Q10 .bib Ʈ θ ϰ  ϳ?

A10 \nocite{*}

5.5 ؼ

Q11(From KTUGOperate:18892): ϴ ۼϷ մϴ. ׷ ¥ ĿƮ ؼ ޾Ƶΰ ͽϴ.

A11(From KTUGOperate:18899): The LaTeX Companion 2nd Ed.(TLC2) 775-776ʿ ִ biblist Ű ٷ ׷ 뵵 ̴ ƴѰ մϴ.

13-4-1.ltx, tex.bib, ttctexa.cls ֽϴ. ְ 13-4-1.ltx κп ִ
ġ 13-4-1.ltx ϸ Ʒ ׸ ɴϴ. ttctexa Ŭ article Ŭ \StartShownPreambleCommands \StopShownPreambleCommands ּ ó(%)Ͽ մϴ. ٸ Ŭ ٸ ֽϴ.


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