It's not reality that's important, but how you percieve things.
IEEEtranNProgress/2006-04SymPy&value=占쏙옙占쏙옙LayOut&value=WinEdtTip/편집기능۲ › SamplesAndTemplates


@@ -37,14 +37,10 @@
ִ 1-4-1.ltx, 1-4-2.ltx ̿ ϴ ҽ ϵ̴(Ʒ
׸ ). ϵ Ͽ ϸ ϴ.
-> KTUGOperate:13838
== `TLC2` ==
:-9 http://tug.ctan.org/info?id=tlc2-examples

Mittelbach `TLC2`(The [LaTeXCompanion], 2nd ed.) ٷ ҽ (ltx) ־ ִ. `TLC2` 868 ϴ ְ, ҽ(ltx) CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ÷ ξ.
`TLC2` () 簢 ӿ 1-3-1, 1-3-2 ȣ ִ. CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ִ 1-3-1.ltx, 1-3-2.ltx2 ̿ ϴ ҽ ϵ̴. ϵ Ͽ ϸ ϴ. ( ) -> KTUGOperate: 13838 18899'''''', KTUGOperate:19404'''''', KTUGOperate:19408''''''

<!> `TLC2` CD(TeXLive)

1 ()
2 LaTeX ȯ(Environments) ɵ
3 CTAN (Examples)
5 TLC2
6 ŸƲ •()•()
6.1 ()
7 α׷
7.1 PSTricks

1 ()

Template ã´ٸ "()" Դϴ. ׷ 츮 κ ""̶ մϴ. "" ȵ Ͽ׿. ׳ ""̶ ϸ Ƿ ⼭ κ ϴ´ ""̶ ϰڽϴ. TV α׷ ̳ 繰 " " "" Ѵٰ ߴµ κ "ɻ"(ܷ "" ϴ ) ϴ ϴ. "", "Ÿ"(, ġ ), "¥"(<-,), "¥", "Įġ", "", ""(<-), "ڼ"(<-) Բ "" ǥظ Ÿ ̶ մϴ. ϱ "ǥظ" ǥظ ƴմϴ. "ǥؾ()" ǥظ([http]ǥؾ )Դϴ. -- YhChoe
'()'ٴ 'Ʋ'̳ '()' template μ ٰ ϴ. ''̳ 'Ǫ' , ܾ ǹ̷ ̴ ϰ. --JShin
" " "(), ߴ ; , ø" Ǿ ֳ׿. ׷ ""̶ մϴ. б ð "" ְ "" ߶ Ѵϴ. "()" ڸε Ͽ "" 츮 մϴ. Ƹ () "()" Դϴ. 'Ʋ'̳ '()' ֹ 忡 ݵ ִ ε Ͽ "" 츮 Ӵ, Ե ̿ϴ. Ӵ, Ը ƴϰ --б ȸ ð Բ ȭ " ." ϼ̽ϴ. () ȭ 鿩 ִ ̺ ڵ ߸ 츮 ʰ ִ ϴ. ǥظ ȭ ϰ ִ Դϴ. ϱ ʿ 𸣰ڽϴ. ΰ ü ѱȸ ϴ ΰ ׾ Դϴ. --YhChoe


2 LaTeX ȯ(Environments) ɵ

http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/latex/ltx-2.html#env ȯ(Environment) ִ. (Example) Ƿ Ͽ ȴ.


3 CTAN (Examples)

LaTeX å ٰ ҽ(Source)  ñ ִ. CTAN ̷ ξ.
 This directory is a container for examples of code used in books about

Subdirectories of examples available are:

FirstSteps  First Steps in LaTeX
lgc            LaTeX Graphics Companion
lwc           LaTeX Web Companion
tip             TeX in Practice
tlc2            The LaTeX Companion, second edition


Goossens, Rahtz, and Mittelbach LGC(The LaTeX Graphics Companion) ٷ ҽ (ltx ) ־ ִ. LGC 400 ϴ ְ, ҽ ϵ CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/lgc/ ÷ ξ. LGC 簢 ӿ 1-4-1, 1-4-2 ȣ ִ. CTAN:/info/examples/lgc/ ִ 1-4-1.ltx, 1-4-2.ltx ̿ ϴ ҽ ϵ̴(Ʒ ׸ ). ϵ Ͽ ϸ ϴ. -> KTUGOperate:13838

5 TLC2

Mittelbach TLC2(The LaTeXCompanion, 2nd ed.) ٷ ҽ (ltx) ־ ִ. TLC2 868 ϴ ְ, ҽ(ltx) CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ÷ ξ. TLC2 () 簢 ӿ 1-3-1, 1-3-2 ȣ ִ. CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ִ 1-3-1.ltx, 1-3-2.ltx2 ̿ ϴ ҽ ϵ̴. ϵ Ͽ ϸ ϴ. () -> KTUGOperate:18899, KTUGOperate:19404, KTUGOperate:19408

<!> TLC2 CD(TeXLive)
ִ(Ʒ ׸ ). tlc2_examples.png


6 ŸƲ •()•()


6.1 ()

Q1(From KTUGOperate:18911):

̷ ,


̷ sectionȣ ڿ ϰ ͽϴ.

A1(From KTUGOperate:18914): ũ

\makeatletter ... \makeatother
κ(3-47) © ں(ϸ 3-47) ־. ׷ ׷ ϴ " ȣ" " " ؿ ׿. ְ
(22, 40) . ̰
ġ ˴ϴ. " ȣ" " " 1cm ׿. ̰
\vbox{\advance\hsize by 1cm
(16, 34)
\vbox{%\advance\hsize by 1cm
ġ ˴ϴ. " ȣ" " " ڸ ణ 鿩⸦ ϰ (17, 35)
%\noindent ġ ˴ϴ.

: 11-28 ڵ ȣ ٴ (ɾ \section{...}) ̰ 29-46 ڵ ȣ ʴ (ɾ \section*{...}) Դϴ.


7 α׷


7.1 PSTricks

(From KTUGSetup:9518) http://tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=examples (template, example) ִ. ҽ ڵ Ͽ ȴ.

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