// rename the file to kor2v.xkb and run the following command (ignore the // error messages) // Press 'Right-Alt' to toggle this keymap and your regular keymap // xkbcomp -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/ /full/path/kor2v.xkb :0 xkb_keymap "korea_2kb_variant" { xkb_keycodes { include "xfree86" }; xkb_types { include "default" }; xkb_compatibility { include "default" }; xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc105)" }; xkb_symbols { include "en_US(pc105)+group(toggle)" name[Group1]= "US/ASCII"; name[Group2]= "Korean"; key { [ z, Z ], [ 0x100110F, 0x10011BF ] }; key { [ a, A ], [ 0x1001106, 0x10011B7] }; key { [ q, Q ], [ 0x1001107, 0x10011B8 ] }; key { [ x, X ], [ 0x1001110, 0x10011C0 ] }; key { [ s, S ], [ 0x1001102, 0x10011AB ] }; key { [ w, W ], [ 0x100110C, 0x10011BD ] }; key { [ 2, at ], [ 0x100114C, 0x10011F0] }; key { [ c, C ], [0x100110E, 0x10011BE ] }; key { [ d, D ], [ 0x100110B, 0x10011BC ] }; key { [ e, E ], [ 0x1001103, 0x10011AE ] }; key { [ v, V ], [ 0x1001111, 0x10011C1 ] }; key { [ f, F ], [ 0x1001105, 0x10011AF ] }; key { [ r, R ], [ 0x1001100, 0x10011A8 ] }; key { [ 4, dollar ], [ 0x1001159, 0x10011F9 ] }; key { [ b, B ], [ 0x1001172, 0x1001172] }; key { [ g, G ], [ 0x1001112, 0x10011C2] }; key { [ t, T ], [ 0x1001109, 0x10011BA ] }; key { [ n, N ], [ 0x100116E, 0x100116E ] }; key { [ h, H ], [ 0x1001169, 0x1001169 ] }; key { [ y, Y ], [ 0x100116D, 0x100116D ] }; key { [ 6, asciicircum ], [ 0x1001140, 0x10011EB ] }; key { [ m, M ], [ 0x1001173, 0x1001173 ] }; key { [ j, J ], [ 0x1001165, 0x1001165 ] }; key { [ u, U ], [ 0x1001167, 0x1001167 ] }; key { [ k, K ], [ 0x1001161,0x100119E] }; key { [ i, I ], [0x1001163,0x1001163 ] }; key { [ l, L ], [ 0x1001175, 0x1001175 ] }; key { [ o, O ], [ 0x1001162, 0x1001164 ] }; key { [ semicolon, colon ], [ 0x100302e, 0x100302f ] }; key { [ p, P ], [ 0x1001166, 0x1001168 ] }; key { [ 0, parenright ], [ 0x100115f, 0x1001160 ] }; // End alphanumeric section // Begin modifier mappings // modifier_map Shift { Shift_L }; // modifier_map Lock { Caps_Lock, ISO_Lock }; // modifier_map Control{ Control_L }; // modifier_map Mod3 { Mode_switch }; }; };