" Maintainer: Jungshik Shin " Last Changed: 2002-05-08 " " Keymap file for Korean Input. " " leading consonants are typed in with lower case letters. " trailing consonants are typed in with upper case letters. " r, R : leading ㄹ(Rieul), final ㄹ (Rieul) " l,L : denotes lighter consonants of preceding " labial consonants represented by m/M, b/B, bb/BB. " e.g. ㅸ (labial light) => bl/BL, ㅱ => ml/ML " f : Yeorin Hieuh (arbitrary) : ㆆ " q : leading YetIeung ㆁ " z : PanSios ㅿ " ng : map to either trailing Ieung or trailing YetIeung. " For 15th century text, the latter is a better choice " because it was used to denote [ng] at the syllable coda position. " In that case, X should be used for trailing IEung. " If 'ng' is mapped to trailing IEung, 'Q' can be used " for trailing YetIEung. " Sometime during the 16th century, it got obsolete and " its place was taken over by Ieung. " x,0,O : leading Ieung (a place holder for a syllable beg. with a vowel) " X : trailing Ieung. In 15th century orthography, it has no phonetic " value but just used as a place holder when transcribing " pronunciation of Chinese. " ) : Leading consonant filler (shift-0) " ( : Medial vowel filler " A : Arae Ah (ㆍ) let b:keymap_name = "midkor" loadkeymap d g gg n d dd r m b bb s ss " We need to type intial Ieung too often, but " I'm not sure which one is the best, 0, x, or O. 0 : we need to type intial Ieung too often and x O j jj c k t p h lg " Nieun-Giyeog: special case nn > nd nb dg rn rr rh rl " l denotes 'light' mb ml bg bn bd bs " omit clusters of three for the moment bj bc bt bp bl "bbl sg sn sd sr sm sb " omit clusters of three s0 sj sc sk st sp sh z 0g 00 q " leading consonant YetIeung hh f " YeoRinHieuh " omit cluster of Ieung + another consonant ) Leading consonant filler " Medial vowels ( a ae ya yae eo e yeo ye o wa wae oe yo u weo we wi ui yu eu Eu eui i A Ai " trailing consonants (all caps) G GG GS N NJ NH D R RG RM RB RS RT RP RH M B BS S SS " see below. J C K T P H GR NG ND NS NZ NT DG DR RN RD RR RZ RK RF MG MR MB MS MZ MC MH ML BR BP Bh BL Bl SG SD SR SB Z " BanSiOs F "YeoRin Hieuh " Sometime during 16th century, YetIeung was replaced by Ieung " for [ng]. "ng "trailing Ieung " Use the following for 15th century text in which Yet Ieung is used " for [ng] ng "Yet Ieung " In either case, trailing Ieung and trailing YetIeung are mapped " to X and Q, respectively. X "trailing Ieung Q "trailing Yet Ieung